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TB: Alternative Camera Angle VMA 2003 Madonna and Britney Spears


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15 minutes ago, Shadow. said:

I find this performance after Britney's intro kinda boring

Vmas 2000/2001 is so much better :mhm: 

It's a really good performance tho.

Esp with the whole two bride and one groom thing and all

And watching Eminem, Justin, Lindsay, Snoop Dog Paris  Beyonce being salty with this performance is everything:hype:

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3 minutes ago, ohoney said:

This perfomance is not necessarily good but it is iconic though, no doubt. I remember how shocked the world was and that nobody really paid attention to XTINA.



Just not the kiss, she was good in the rest of the performance- that was her peak Stripped era

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Just now, Streets said:

It is a boring performance overall, tbh

The kiss just makes it so iconic :brit:

Its funny how Britney is credited when it wasn't even her idea. The performance would never have been remembered years later if it wasn't for the kiss :mhm: 

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