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The ultimate thread about italian facts by an italian Exhaler...!


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So, our beloved Britney came only three or four times here in Italy (where i live) since the entire world knew who she was...the very first time was probably during the BOMT international promo tour, then she performed on Sanremo (a very famous and traditional italian music festival) around the "Britney" era (live vocals, y'all :moorangu: ), after that she toured once in Milan with the Onyx Hotel tour...then nothing. :selenerz:

You guys should visit our country, btw...the political situation isn't the best here but we have the best food, tbh! :cutesybrit:

And, most importantly, a LOT of amazing places to see! 


So here's a couple of things you need to know:

- Italian is NOT spanish: both are kinda similar but spanish grammar is definitely easier...our grammar is HELL, not even italians are able to speak a perfect italian because of the different accents. People from Tuscany (like me) are the only ones capable to speak a very understandable italian, tho.

- Italy doesn't mean "pizza, gelato, mandolino, mafia, mozzarella, mamma mia!" etc...seriously... :moorangu:

- Here you can find: mountains, lands, sea, historic cities, suggestive traditional cities (like Lucca in Tuscany) and modern cities like Milan...Italy is literally for everyone!

- The majority of italians can't speak a proper english due to our very bad educational system (school) so if you can't talk italian and you need help try asking to young italian people. :moorangu:

- We tend to make a lot of different gestures (while talking) and even talking in a "loud" way but don't be scared, it's just the way we are...! 


So, would you guys like to visit Italy once in your life? If you already did it, what did you like the most?

Did Britney visited your country aswell?

Let's discuss! :cutesybrit:







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italy sounds wonderful. id love to visit your country!

not gonna lie tho, i chuckled when you said italian isnt spanish, and italy doesnt mean pizza, etc. 

One of my neighbors back in the day was an italian foreign exchange student. he was a big dude and played basketball  :cinderellaney:


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1 minute ago, _Slave4u_❤️ said:

Ah bono io firenze siamo vicini dai ahah e tanto si sa non tornerà più qui in italia (non farà più tour probabilmente) accontentiamo dell'amoroso :NYcackle::uknowit: 



Poveri noi... :selenerz:

Comunque capito spesso dalle parti di Firenze, magari ci siamo giá incontrati e neanche lo sappiamo...! :cutesybrit:

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