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Do you think 2007/Breakdown-ney was part of the 'real' Britney, or an act/side effect of *****/attempt to be a 'bad girl'??

Guest StrawberryKisses

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Guest StrawberryKisses

Prior, Britney was always the sweet and humble girl. Now, she's still that girl. But then... she seemed really on edge. All those paprazzi videos, etc.  Of course paparazzi is enough to drive someone mad, but yeah...

Do you  think the 'move you fat ****' and 'Grammy's can kiss my ***' Britney was an act - to gain control and seem tough / rebellious , or do you really think she can be kind of a ***** when upset?  Like do you think Britney does have that side of her like Bieber, Minaj etc?


Sorry to make a 2007ney thread, but I just realized sometimes I put on a tough ***** face and act cocky because I'm a people pleaser and want to show someone I'm not one to mess with.


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I don't even think she was THAT bitchy in 07 considering how much time people spent following her around and that's all we saw. Everyone says mean things sometime and no I dont think she was putting on an act at all. I think 07 was the real Britney at the time. People go through phases. She has grown from 16 to her 30s in front of the world so we've just seen a lot of the stages in her life.

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Nobody is just one person. You can be the sweetest most positive person out there. If you're going to be confronted with years and years of bullying and pressure and personal problems, you're either going to cave in or lash out and rebel.

She was being true to how she felt at that time and she was just done dealing with the shitstorm that she had to deal with from Kevin and the media since 2004.

She's seen the worst in people and society, she has a little dark edge hidden underneath that perfectly glazed appearance, we all know that.




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She was just in a bad place in her life. All the bad things she had gone through did not cause her breakdown. It was the breakdown itself that made her make questionable life choices. I guess without knowing all the things that happened at that time we shouldn't judge though. All we know is that she needed support she didn't get so she tried to find out how to cope with things her own way.

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2 hours ago, StrawberryKisses said:


Sorry to make a 2007ney thread


You don't have to say sorry for making a thread about 2007. This is a Britney forum and we can talk about whatever the **** we want!! I've had many members come at me for creating threads about Britney's breakdown as if it's a secret nobody should talk about. 

Anyways, I think her breakdown was caused by her not being able to control her own life and people constantly tellling her what to do. I'm sure she was also using *****. Most likely **** and other amphetamines. 

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I think she put up with a lot of crap for a long time and resentment grew to a boiling point. Britney copped so much flack right from the get go - and it's sad these 'Family groups' or whatever targeted her so viciously, not even considering the feelings of a young girl - so family like hey! I saw someone write a good comment once about how these sorts of group/people would be vocal and angry about Britney being exploited ********, yet then they get mad and blame her for that. If they were so convinced this young girl was being exploited ******** why wasn't she viewed as a victim? Instead they made her out to be an evil corrupting children everywhere. No wonder so many times she said how she did not want to be a role model.

Honestly I think a lot of resentment just built up - Justin break up where she was made the big villain, scrutiny over her virginity (which should never have been anyone's business in the first place), Fred Durst dirty talking about her on Howard Stern, K-Fed marriage that everyone was rooting against, targeting her parenting skills, death of her Aunt, K-Fed divorce (him cheating?) constant harassment/stalking by paparazzi, eventual isolation from friends and family. It's not surprising because Britney is so nice and probably at times she felt like she was walked all over and if you don't learn to deal with those feelings you will eventually lose it.

And also I'm sure ***** played a part in it and I'm also certain she suffers from some mental illness which may have caused her extremely erratic behaviour.

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