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"Britney Spears is Madonna's successor"...


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...never understood this comparision, tbh. :moorangu:


I mean, it's true that Britney has few things in common with Madonna: longevity, sales, iconic performances, praised by current artists etc. etc.


But i think Madonna's successor is still yet to be found. And no, it's not Lady Gaga, she even said once her whole career is basically a tribute to David Bowie (even thought some people claims she only gets "inspired" by Madonna).


Britney is VERY careful on what saying, what doing, she won't take decisions alone & has very specific priorities. Madonna re-invented herself plenty of times (it's part of her image, of course) and her work ethic is clearly different from anyone who's into music industry, Britney included.


The point is: both legendary pop artists but this "successor" thing is a bit absurd, in my opinion.


So what you guys think? Is it fair to call her the only one Madonna's successor?


Discuss! :selenerz:




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I think they were compared in the sense that Britney was the biggest female pop star to come onto the scene since Madonna.. But that's really where the comparisons end. They are very different in almost every way, but share similarities as far as the level of fame that they both reached in their primes. Really the only one that comes close to either of them is Gaga and her peak wasn't even as big as Brit's or Madonna's. To this day I still think Britney's peak is the most amount of fame we've ever seen a pop star reach.   

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3 minutes ago, PedroJu said:

I don't think Britney cares about her career and legacy as much as Madonna does tbh. When Madonna was as far as Britney is on her career right now, she was starting the Music era, and she was waaaay more interested on it than Britney is right now.

Don't Tell Me is definitely my favourite from the Music era, it still sounds fresh nowadays!

3 minutes ago, asas12 said:

I think they were compared in the sense that Britney was the biggest female pop star to come onto the scene since Madonna.. But that's really where the comparisons end. They are very different in almost every way, but share similarities as far as the level of fame that they both reached in their primes. Really the only one that comes close to either of them is Gaga and her peak wasn't even as big as Brit's or Madonna's. To this day I still think Britney's peak is the most amount of fame we've ever seen a pop star reach.   


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2 minutes ago, Cookie Lyon said:

yes it's true, when her old *** tried to bring Justin and Britney on stage right after Britney's breakdown just so that everyone would give her all the credits

ykw, one thing ive been wondering abt was how exactly did madonna go from this 

to like, this 


like when did the scale tip and she crossed over to being that weird woman who refers to her son as 'dis n-word'?
she used to be very innovative and her releases shifted the direction pop music was going. and now shes corny and out of ideas because shocking people doesn't work anymore, Gaga took that away from ha
it's all very weird to me because she used to be on top of her game..is it brain damage :shameless:

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Maybe we just define the term successor differently. Madonna is "the queen of pop". What you mentioned that the only thing they have in common is longevity, sales, iconic performances, outfits, music etc. that's exactly what britney has done. It's not easy for anyone to achieve or come close to what these women have accomplished in their careers. Their drives, their styling etc may be different. 


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