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So is this era over already??


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Just now, Toxicboy07 said:

So is this officially it for Glory? All the hype is gone. No more promo. Its such a shame that the general public didn't give this album a chance. Its one of her best album.:embarrassney:

Ummmm Apple Music & iHeart fest including the fact that Britney herself said that there were going to be more surprises ahead. I'd say this era is just getting going. 

BTW the hype is not gone, Britney has been trending for weeks now 

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Just now, Silhouette said:

Two music festivals

One trip to the UK that will probably involve some kind of promo, like radio interviews and such

The second single

I'd say that we still have a lot to look forward to :bootyney:

Yeah but we also need more promo in the states. At least they can release the second single. They cant let this be it for Glory. 

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Just now, BreatheOnMoi said:

Wait and see? ***** what? The minute I hear Liar is the next single, I'm peacing tf out :saycheese:

Yes,  "Better" to be second single. And Britney buried in the depths of the ocean. :shameless:

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