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This is STILL my fave cover of Toxic


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Just now, Shadow. said:

I loved that version, as soon as I saw it I rooted for them and then they won! I haven't heard much about them since tho, they were a cute couple too :mhm:

I've followed them pretty casually.  They're still together. <3 They put out their first album and one of their songs was featured on The Vampire Diaries.  As far as I know, they are getting ready to release a second album.

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Just now, Miss Cootie said:

I hate when ppl do covers that turn the song into sth it was not and will never be. Like, sing the song as it was released. Its like they dont think the original is worthy of their "talent"
Anyway this isnt commentary on this cover jsut covers like this in general, they kinda rub me the wrong way cause sometimes they have this air of supremacy around it, like they dont think pop is legit music and they have to turn it into some elevator music **** anyway im sleep.

Or the artist is just trying to make it their own whilst paying tribute to a song they like :angietea:

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3 minutes ago, Shadow. said:

Or the artist is just trying to make it their own whilst paying tribute to a song they like :angietea:

This is how I take it.  I absolutely love that their cover version sounds nothing like Britney's, yet everyone knows it's her song.  Timeless songs are incredibly versatile, and pay tribute to the original artist when the versions are so different.

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