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RCA does not like Britney


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On 9/12/2016 at 1:35 AM, WerkB¡tch said:

8 years ago complaining about Jive and 8 years after praising jive and blaming RCA :sofedup:


29 minutes ago, Loco said:

I wish Britney would just start her own label that way she has full control :yeahsure:

MonaLisa Records :crying11:


14 hours ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

I was thinking about it earlier, RCA has never treated her the way she should be.....I think they have always seen her as an older Pop star who's never going to be hot again and so they don't treat her releases with enough care and consideration nor advertise them enough! I mean who ever at RCA picked the release date for Glory should honestly be fired....it's like they wanted her to flop or expected it so they're like well Barabara's releasing too but oh well it's just Britney. Jive would've never ever let her release Glory that day.....they always picked weeks when there was no competition and made sure her album was in every ad and all over the place.....Glory was in zero ads the week of its release. 

And that stunned me tbh. Got a Sunday paper and I fully expected to see a picture of Glory in at least one of the sale papers, I didn't see it anywhere. I still haven't. 


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