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Britney Spears And Ellen DeGeneres Are Double The Trouble At L.A. Mall: Watch

Jordan Miller

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I honestly do not get how some people do not like this video. Ellen and Britney are polar opposites in terms of personality. It makes for a hilarious segment.

I mean, haven't you ever had that one, seriously outgoing friend that drags your *** around town and makes you participate in the craziest, most embarrassing stunts and, even though you think he or she is a complete lunatic, you actually find yourself laughing and having fun? That's kinda what this was like and it was funny.

Also, it highlights exactly how humble and down-to-earth Britney really is.

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She looked fine...not awkward at all. :watrusayin: I think she was just cringing at what Ellen was saying, i kinda did too even though she was just kidding some people might think they are snobby. :receipts2:

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1 hour ago, chris_fives said:

No Make Me? **** yall!!! What the ****!!?? :wendycry:

And Brit was clearly not feeling this.. It was a bit missfire.. she is not liking the whole celebrity/being rich thing and she was cringing all the time..

She looked hot tho..

Probably because it was an overly exaggerated version of the "celebrity thing"? Did you expect her to act like a spoiled brat all of a sudden?

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15 minutes ago, benbentomlinson said:

Her strengths right now are studio singing, and being a mom, a poke mom.

they had all the right slots booked, and the failed the **** to promote Glory in these segments and slots, the Today show was a lil disaster! it did nothing for Glory, this has done nothing but confirm single number 2 is DYWCO, The VMas was crucified by the GP and press with only what seems to be bribed outlets saying she was FYAH.


They have had the perfect opportunity and blown it, the MM video, the performances, not even being arsed to record pre-recorded backing for her to lip.

this is our Lotus!

Why have they put her out there to look so stupid.


We should have had the MM vid, new choreography, vegas should have halted for 6 months and she should have gone to ******* canada, europe, australia ******* china and beyond to promote this album!

When will we stop pretending that it's ok, were the fan base that has to settle for MINIMUM while others are being SLAYED

Another strength...she looks AMAZING right now. :mcry:

This segment, however, was great for the fan base but likely not for the GP. The GP remembers her as being someone who could carry an entire SNL episode on her own, so seeing how shy she is now has to be super confusing for them. It really just reinforces the idea that she's super isolated and without confidence or thoughts of her own. 

When Britney does talk during this segment, it's as if she's talking to a child -- focusing on eating ice cream more than anything. I know she's not ever going to come across as someone with a PhD, but I'm sure she's got some much deeper thoughts in her head than what came across in this segment. (And yes, I KNOW that it's supposed to be light and fun, but when her Team isn't balancing it out with anything else it all starts to feel a bit empty.) 

I hated "Through the Storm" when it came out, but right now I'm yearning for something like that. Everything feels so light and fluffy right now that her image is starting to feel like cotton candy - sweet during the first few bites, but so lacking in substance that half way through it starts to feel a bit sickening.

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