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Britney Spears' New Album 'Glory' Is Officially Out!

Jordan Miller

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7 minutes ago, fanman08 said:

I CAN't understand the hate for this song.

Her vocals in the verses are IMMACULATE. They're like low and scratchy and so much fun to sing along too. And the beat is weird & different. And the "twerk it" part :TOMH:Two people I know who dislike Brit love this song.


The only slight negative is "priiiiiiiiiivate showwww"...it's a lil bit whiny, like Brit that's too many i's.

Every time I hear it, it sounds like "Pribat Cho"

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56 minutes ago, Screamous said:

Try my place. I got circus/FF/BJ a month after official release. And now is going worst since ALL MUSIC store in my city was closed due to bankruptcy, since noone buy physical CD anymore.


:gloria: im si k i ned glory to cure my disease i cant wait for a month :crying1:


do they still sell circus albums and back in ur place tho? I see brona jewel everywhere in here no itz and bo :crying4:

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27 minutes ago, button said:

Sis I'm talking about the fans on here. They won't stop talking about the Carpool lipping and won't put the slighest effort in streaming. Like when the original video was scrapped and they stopped requesting the song. This fanbase is annoying, they won't stop melting down and this will hurt Glory's performance.

I'm sure she'll sing but I hope you weren't trying to convince me that lipping in a car is ok and that it's good marketing. :umwtf:

Not trying to convince anyone of anything.  Read anything you want into what I said,  I can't stop you.  Maybe you haven't been on exhale when people complain about lipping and her voice.  Anyway, have a good day.

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Don't worry for Japanese bonus tracks at this point the album is soo soo good with its 17 tracks! 

I think Sony Japan is trying to get some extra tracks maybe but tbh i think they will include a make me remix at the end or pretty girls (?) (stop the hate against PG, is a great song for the album tbh) also if they include Tom's diner that would be nice! everything its well received already having 17 amazing amazing songs! :)

and i dont think that pokemon song will happen, if it does japan will release another cd for it.

we will know in a few days :) let's wait and see.



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On 8/23/2016 at 1:12 AM, Calm Before the Storm said:

That's so wonderful to hear!!! <3 So many people, particularly those who suffer from depression, will be able to relate to this song and get a lot out of it... And of course, even people who don't suffer from depression will love it because it's just amazing inside and out.
I wonder what she'll do with it, like if she'll talk about it at all.... We'll have to wait and see ;-)


I hope she finds the courage to talk about it...


and if not, that's ok too because it is so personal.

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1 hour ago, JoffBaratheon said:

She's not Jamaican so maybe she's being the racist one :mj:

:bthink:She's from Barbados, just stop! Everyone has been so ignorant with that song. As far as I know, and gurl I do know as half of my family is from the West Indies (the French one), you can clearly speak to someone who's speaking a different patois and they will understand each other (wether it's a French or English spoken island), so gurl just sit!:shhh:

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On 8/23/2016 at 1:34 AM, cho said:

I love your story. Going through a lot of stuff right now, reading a happy ending really helps. I hope the album/song brings you comfort. Hugs.


Thank you!!


It has taken me a long time to get to where I can even talk about it. My son is now 5 and it started when he was about 6 months old. Everything just sort of crumbled at once.


I don't know what you are going through, but just know someone out there cares and is thinking about you. There is always hope at the end of the tunnel. It may take you a while to find it, but when you do you'll come out and be this whole other incredible and amazing person. Nothing bothers me now. I have become fearless at whatever life throws at me because I KNOW I can handle it ... even if it's just one day at a time ... hell even 1 hour at a time.

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Just now, Luminous said:

Are you assuming Rihanna is POP?.... not only the comparison lacks of sense... but this sentence made me notice that you are comparing potatoes with tomatos... you can't do that! :sickofu:



Rihanna is a pop singer. lol People like K Michelle, Mya, Tamar Braxton, Mariah Carey are R&B artist and other people you probably haven't even head of... Rihanna dips and dabbles in urban and R&B, but she still has and always will be a pop singer.

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