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Britney Spears' New Album 'Glory' Is Officially Out!

Jordan Miller

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Maybe because Iggy made Britney change it from a featuring Iggy to a And Iggy with Iggy sharing some singing. Plus most of Glory is a Brit point of view album. I haven't listened to the leak for the post part but Pretty Girls doesn't fit the way Britney sings most of the album. 

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14 minutes ago, December02 said:

The longevity of the album and the further success of her career isn't limited to just the first week sales. Truth be told, if she doesn't promote it, it won't do well anyway. What's done is done though so let's hope this coming week stirs up some talk. She's an established artist that has a contract for more albums so we will all live- she's not done yet

You make good points, WHICH is how I'm able to get over blackouts snub for the top spot. Cause the masses still jam out to the album and it's really good. BUT if Britney can have that success and limelight again NOW, why not? 

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13 minutes ago, tarotx said:

OMG everything is being compared to Trip to your heart. Why is that? I haven't listened to the non-released part of the album except for the Snippets and Just Luv me so I don't have a lot of knowledge about the songs yet. 

 I would say Man on the Moon and Hard to Forget You are similar to TTYH in terms of lyrics, because they're more along the lines of upbeat, fun, love songs, like TTYH. TTYH is definitely a lot more electronic in sound than either of those, but HTFY comes closer.

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The worst fanbase, really. And even more because they think they didn't do anything wrong. 

They just need to wait 6 more days, nothing more. And if you want to buy iy before, don't leak it, it's so easy, just listen to the album without ruing Britney plans.

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I have a feeling I'll download the iTunes version Thursday night. But won't listen to it until I have the physical copy in my hands on Friday. Look at the booklet while listening experience. 


Album was announced only three weeks before it drops AND three promo songs and a commercial was there to satiate until the real hunger strikes. Waiting for the album this time around isn't hard in comparison to the past three studio albums lol. 

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3 hours ago, Artsy Fartsy said:

no, but seriously, will making threads saying we sabotaged her change anything? :xcuseme: the album leaked, there's nothing we can do about it :xcuseme:

This.  It is what it is.  We can only hope that people will like what they hear and decide to buy or legally stream the album once it's out.  Reporting links is great and all, but it won't do **** now- 10 more will pop up for every one that's deleted.  

3 hours ago, Nando. said:

Be real for a second

if you discovered the store next to your house had the album, you wouldnt show it off? Before the whole world

and to add to it, put the fault on the store that sold it earlier, not the "mexicans"

:wontcry:  Can you not read?  I clearly wrote that the store is most at fault for selling the album early.  And no, I sure as **** wouldn't have helped my favorite artist's new album leak almost a week early.  Besides, it doesn't matter what I would have done- it was those Mexican fans who decided to show off by sharing snippets & artwork and then uploading the album.  They knew it would leak and spread everywhere, but they didn't care because they wanted to feel special and important.  Sorry you have a problem with the truth. :keshawave:

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Just Luv Me is an ICONIC and CAREER-DEFINING song for Britney for several reasons. First off, her vocals are obviously flawless and the R&B feel of the song is HOT!! THE SONG IS AMAZING!!! :makesomenoise:
But most importantly: 
Most of you probably did not notice this, but a huge theme in Just Luv Me is depression/bipolar disorder. This is HUGE because she is finally sharing with us a little about the problems and troubles she has been going through, which have long been speculated to stem from depression, more specifically bipolar disorder. Now before you say that I'm "reaching", let's take a quick look at the lyrics:

[Verse 1]:
I'm not gonna ask for a sip when I'm thirsty
you don't have to hold my hand when I'm hurting
Won't make you sober me up when I'm turning
you don't gotta say it, I know that I'm worthy

Britney is making clear here that she is not a child, and she is definitely not catatonic. She doesn't need someone to be holding her hand all the time; she is a grown woman who just happens to have some problems. Even more important, is that she doesn't need to hear it from someone else in order to know her self-worth. She knows that, despite her problems, she is not worthless- she is WORTHY and she is strong enough to know that without needing confirmation from anyone else.

[Verse 2]:
If you think that I'm saying that because I'm high maintenance
Like I'm trying to mask every problem that I'm facing
Well you're wrong cause I don't need nobody when I'm breaking
*****All I need is your love and a little bit of patience*****
People with depression don't like others to think that they're helpless and that they can't do anything by themselves. That's what she means when she sings "high maintenance"; she is making clear that she is perfectly functional like everyone else, she just has to deal with more than most people.
Here she makes mention again to her problems and the things she goes through. And here again, she makes it clear that she is perfectly capable of being independent (she also alludes to feeling good about herself even without a man, which we have been seeing her do recently). She doesn't need someone to help her and guide her through every little thing she does.
People with depression generally do NOT like sympathy and for people to feel sorry for them. (Britney already made clear here that she doesn't need someone to help her with every little normal function in life). What they need most, and what HELPS them the most, is your LOVE and PATIENCE no matter what, even when they have fallen into a dark mood, even through all the hard times. 

You could ask me for a sorry
Let it 
calm before the storm
Ask for pieces of my body
Until all of it is yours

People who suffer with some form of depression usually will have good days and bad days. They'll be feeling great and happy one moment, and then the next they're miserable and unhappy. A lot of the time they can feel when they're about to slip into a relapse and fall into a state of gloominess or depression. That's what the "calm before the storm" here is referring to- the calm is the normal happy days, the storm is the depressive episode.

But I'm not gonna ask you for nothing
Just luv me, just luv me

I'ma keep it simple, real simple
Just luv me, just luv me
I'm not gonna ask you for nothing
Just luv me, just luv me
I'ma keep it simple, real simple
Just luv me, just luv me, just luv me

Those with depression don't want to be a bother. They don't like to feel like they're asking for too much, even when they're asking for very little. They don't want their issues to be causing other people issues or to trouble them.
The best way to help her, and one of the most EFFECTIVE medicines for depression, is love. That's what Britney is singing here; the only thing that has the potential to help her come out of her dark place and to make her feel better is the person's love. Not to feel bad for her, not to help her with every tiny thing, not to treat her like she's a little child, but to LOVE her.

Oh no, I won't, I promise, I promise
Oh no, I won't ask you for nothing
Oh no, I won't, I promise, I promise
I promise, I promise

Again talking about asking for nothing, like she doesn't want to be a bother.

Just Luv Me has a HUGE amount of potential, and can easily become one of her most memorable and career-defining hits, if Britney uses the opportunity. There is so much that Britney can do with this song, and if she plays her cards right, this song will be HUGE. Not to mention what fans of hers + other people who suffer from depression will get out of the song. So enjoy the song now before it becomes ICONIC and CAREER-DEFINING. You heard it here first ;) Bookmark me :-) :bwink:  :ahhh:  :kisses2all:

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Tbh I see where both sides are coming from, but the OP makes a very logical point: some streams will be lost. When you count exhale (hardcore fans) maybe not so much, but definitely a few from the other sources. I've deleted  my copy soI don't play it to death before Thursday because I know myself. :sobbing:

That said, let's not jump down each others' throats y'all. **** has happened and we've made our points. Let's focus on getting Godney the number 1 she deserves and push past all these setbacks. 

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5 minutes ago, Werrrrkkkkit said:

The lyrics are great but Just Luv Me would not do well as a single. It's too similar to stuff that Bieber has already done.

Even if it is similar, which I don't think it is, people usually don't decide whether or not they like a song based on if it sounds similar to what someone else has done in the past. If anything, Bieber's success in this sound is just more of a guarantee that Just Luv Me can be successful, since it shows that the gp is here for it. :-)

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