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Her BEST album yet! Album of the year candidate!


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Britney's best album ever!! Production and vocals are flawless!! Sounds so fresh and innovative! AMAZED! Needs album of the year candidacy and Grammys.

Would only delete What you Need and Hard to Forget Ya. Gave them few listens and just too repetitive. Not strong enough to close out the standard edition. Would only relisten if cruising down the highway, spacing out. 

Not that standard vs deluxe editions really mean much anymore in 2016, but Better, Liar, Change Your Mind, and Coupoure Electrique SHOULD have been on the standard edition closing out the album...for the 2 people in the world who might buy the standard edition versus the deluxe and miss out on their flawlessness and saying Glory isnt that great. 

Amazing, amazing, amazing album...my top tracks (not including previously released): Just Like Me, Slumber Party, Change Your Mind, Just Luv Me, Liar, Better


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