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Life Over: Britney's Single "Make Me (Oooh)" Reportedly Delayed Due To Vocal Issues

Jordan Miller

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Tom's Diner bridge teas :orangu:

This is TOTAL bullshit by the way.. 1) its the ******* SUN and 2) Britney has recorded songs in 2 hours (and her vocals sounded good).. There's no ******* way she doesn't "have time in her busy schedule" to rerecord a few lines of vocals.

ANTI teas is right LMAO :uknowit:

This is like Nicole Scherzinger D list treatment :gloria:


EDIT/ why do I have a really horrible feeling they're trying to force her "baby" voice? :unreal: Dear God please let her vocals be raw, deep, and untouched on this record :beynah: If we get another single with Pretty Girls vocals I don't think I can do this anymore :tiffsniffle:

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It makes sense with the sudden appearance of G-Eazy... They really want a #1 if they think the track is not good enough, BUT the last part of it being delayed sounds like BS to me. I highly doubt they would record a video with a track they're not sure of.

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Lol I get **** for not posting enough Britney, then today I post 4 stories and now some of you are complaining I shouldn't post certain things. Not everything about her is rainbows, sometimes things suck, and it's super newsworthy if she is in fact delaying the single especially considering the very story before it claimed it could be out this week. Love u tho 

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