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Life Over: Britney's Single "Make Me (Oooh)" Reportedly Delayed Due To Vocal Issues

Jordan Miller

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9 minutes ago, ItsGodneyB**ch said:

Myah's about to have her biggest comeback ever


<img alt=":bgrin:" data-emoticon="" src="http://exhalecdn.breatheheavy.com/uploads/emoticons/bgrin.gif" title=":bgrin:" />





Now seriously, I don't think this story is true... what about the video then? being shot with an unfinished song? c'mon....

Actually they filmed the Womanizer video before she finalised the vocals. If you watch FTR the version they play during filming and rehearsals has different vocals. She went in and polished the vocals before the video was edited.

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1 minute ago, WithTheLightsOut said:

And they let her RELEASE Perfume, which is even worse.

Work ***** is the ONLY song on BJ that's up to Britney usual standard.

That whole album is filler.

The vocals in most of BJ are just cringeworthy, Myah Marie or not. And I say that as a Britney fan who actually likes Britney's voice lol. The straining and excessively deliberate vibrato KILLED ME. I'd love to see her return to ITZ style vocals. 

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They are taking this project really serious, this is 100% BS... they don't need to rush anything, Britney herself said this album may take even another year, and they won't have "time" to re-record? seriously?.. nice try, this is a lie, you don't need to be so inteligent to figure this out!! :brityeah:

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Just now, Zeik89 said:

The vocals in most of BJ are just cringeworthy, Myah Marie or not. And I say that as a Britney fan who actually likes Britney's voice lol. The straining and excessively deliberate vibrato KILLED ME. I'd love to see her return to ITZ style vocals. 

I agree 100%. She needs to utilise the type of voice she has - with ****, sultry vocals and not belty songs because she doesn't have the range anymore. We need more Breathe on Me and less Perfume.

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Just now, ItsGodneyB**ch said:

...record execs don't like how her voice sounds on it.... the label just didn’t like her voice...


But they liked 'her voice' in BJ???


they thought they could dupe us by making myah sing on the chorus. **** her label 

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2 minutes ago, WithTheLightsOut said:

I agree 100%. She needs to utilise the type of voice she has - with ****, sultry vocals and not belty songs because she doesn't have the range anymore. We need more Breathe on Me and less Perfume.

Yes! There are some incredible little "riffs" in TOMH, too. "I'm more than my skin and I'm not gonna wait..." is one of my favorite examples of Britney's vocals. She has the "tools" to play with her vocals but needs to stop trying to belt/drop her larynx (which produces that bullfrog sound in Perfume). She can sound good if she just respects her limited range.

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WTF? Is anyone buying this? Why would Joe Riccitelli RCA executive VP tell in an interview that he her new sound is great and that he played Make Me to people and got the reaction he wanted and that it would be a single during summer if the song had somewhat bad/unwanted vocals? 

Why would they shoot a video if it didn't have a scheduled release date? 

She had time to shoot the video and not time to re-record being that the LABEL asked her to?

They would take the time and money to mobilize G-Eazy to be in the song/video just so that she wouldn't re-record it?

Seriously, it pisses me off this kind of bullshit and how much attention we give it. 

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