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Life Over: Britney's Single "Make Me (Oooh)" Reportedly Delayed Due To Vocal Issues

Jordan Miller

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7 minutes ago, jokobitch said:

I def wouldn't say damn well her voice is weak as **** this video is 4 years old now and it's the last time we've heard her sing live. she smokes cigarettes and doesn't train her voice well. there's gotta be something wrong with her voice for her to not sing live and to use another woman's voice to sing majority of an entire album. it's the only explanation 

1. It's not easy to dance hard and sing live... that has nothing to do with weak vocals... it's about not giving the audience crappy heavy breathing instead of singing... people who go live to the show and are close to the stage can hear her singing along.

2. Producers from the #B9 era have complimented her voice 

3. 'Britney Jean' was Flop.I.Am's doing.... also, as seen in other recent threads, when the tone of some of the tracks is taken down a semitone, you can clearly hear her vocals the way they are supposed to sound before he messed it up.

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5 minutes ago, jennyj said:

1. It's not easy to dance hard and sing live... that has nothing to do with weak vocals... it's about not giving the audience crappy heavy breathing instead of singing... people who go live to the show and are close to the stage can hear her singing along.

2. Producers from the #B9 era have complimented her voice 

3. 'Britney Jean' was Flop.I.Am's doing.... also, as seen in other recent threads, when the tone of some of the tracks is taken down a semitone, you can clearly hear her vocals the way they are supposed to sound before he messed it up.

1.) who said anything about dancing? she should be capable of singing ballads live because her choreography isn't even that hard for her to be winded and not sing 1 single word live for 4 years. y'all can't make excuses for her not singing live anymore I mean come on.

3.) ENOUGHHH for blaming everyone but Britney on BJ. everyone including Britney was at fault. she's the artist she's not some little girl that has no idea what's going on.. she knows. the producers had a lot of pressure on them because they had to blend her voice in to cover for the fact that Myah sang majority of the album... at some point here some fans need to wake up and smell the coffee

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4 hours ago, atusch said:

I think it's bullshit.

so it this true they shot a video for a bad version that they didn't accept and what they want to re-record because of her vocals!

If the label didn't liked her voice or the song i hardly believe they would let her to record the video.


Exactly. I doubt the label didn't hear the song before they recorded the video. :huh:

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This is faker than Jordan's relationship with Ryan 

and i can not believe you guys are falling for this 

the stupid OP is saying that this is the reason that there was no song on the MV shoot :wontcry: 

ARE U ******* KIDDING ME :zoomzoom: 

they said they gonna change some vocals not change the song entirely , they didn't play the song because they are actually doing some smart moves this time 

PG leaked because of the video shoot , they wouldn't risk that again

and why am i not surprised that Jordan main paged this bullshit ?

i really hope Jamie bring this shithole down this time 

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1 hour ago, ITookASip said:

She's a contralto, def not soprano as she struggles to sing in a high registre.

But we're not entirely sure of her natural voice type because of the rare occasions she sang with it, but it's a low registre voice.

a Soubrette has a much lower and smaller range than other sopranos. She just has no belting range. Her falsetto/head voice goes fairly high.

She doesn't have a deep enough timbre and husk for an alto. Her low notes are usually pretty "splatty" ACTUALLY.

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